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May 13, 2012

Vacancies for PS Group B Examination

Rajesh Kumawat | 22:43 | | Best Blogger Tips

The PS Group B Examination is scheduled to be held on 03.06.2012. But the vacancies for the Examination is yet to be notified by the Directorate. Department has taken decision to conduct PS Group ‘B’ exam on 3rd June, may be under old recruitment rules only. As per the calculations made by the IP/ASP association of Punjab circle, Vacancies predicted for the PS Group B Examination under each category as per existing recruitment rules are around 19 for IP Line in 165 point roster and 2 for General line in 52 point roster. 
Source : IP/ASP association Punjab Circle Blog

1 comment:

  1. Dear Secretary, I think you are cutting the throat of your cadre (IP/ASP Cadre).

    1. The agenda taken by you for discussion with the DG (P)as regards to fixation of quota for IP/Genl line is neither approved in the CWC nor in general body meeting.

    2. Why the total number of posts for LDCE of Sr PM exam will be diverted from the posts of 19 % & 6% of Gr. B. exam without amending the prevailing recruitment rules of PS Gr B exam.

    3. Out of 52 posts of general line, 23 posts have been filled up in last year. Of remaining 29 posts, only 02 are expected vacant at present and there will be no clear vacancy from general line in near future. As such 29 posts for Sr PM from general line will remain vacant for an indefinite period.

    4. The posts of 19 % for PS Gr B should not be diverted for Sr PM, as around 19 posts are expected vacant as on date exclusively for PS Group B.

    5. If, all the 87 posts would be earmarked for Sr PM, then no exam for PS Gr. B will be conducted for coming 10 years.

    6. Under no circumstances the quota for Sr PM should be carved out from the PS Gr. B as a whole.

    7. Conclusion: Discussions should be made with the DG(P) with regard to carving out of 116 posts for Sr PM from the 500 upgraded posts of ASPs to Gr B (which has been decided in the last meeting on cadre restructure). We may perhaps carve out the 116 posts of Sr PM as detailed below.

    Total upgraded posts of Gr B = 500
    75% promotion from IP/ASP on seniority = 288
    19% promotion from IP through LDCE= 73
    6% promotion from genl line= 23
    Remaining 116 (87+29) posts for Sr PM. = 116


    B K Satapathy, ASP
    B M Rao, IP


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