Latest Updates from CHQ
August 31, 2011
DA index increased to 193 pts
Rajesh Kumawat | 09:04 |

All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of July, 2011 increased by 4 points and stood at 193 (one hundred & ninety three)- PIB
Month All India Index DA % Due
Jul-11 193 59.67
Month All India Index DA % Due
Jul-11 193 59.67
August 30, 2011
Postponement of IP and LGO Examinations
Rajesh Kumawat | 21:03 |

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Recruitment Division)
DakBhavan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi –110001.
1. All Heads of Circles
2. Addl. D.G. APS, West Block III, Wing No. 5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110067.
3. BD and PLI Directorates
4. Directors, Postal Staff College India, Ghaziabad and Postal Training Centres
Sub: Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Posts Examination, 2011
I am directed to refer to this office letters No. A-34012/02/2011-DE and No. A-34012/04/2011-DE dated 26-04-2011 wherein the dates of Examination were notified as 4th September 2011 for LGO and 3rd & 4th September 2011 for Inspector of Posts.
2. It is informed that the above mentioned two Examinations have been postponed until further orders. The dates of both the Examinations will be intimated very soon. Please inform all concerned candidates.
3. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
(L. Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)
Copy forwarded to:-
1. CGM (MB)/CGM (BD)/CGM (PLI)/Secy. (PSB)
2. DDG (P)/All DDsG
3. EA to Secretyary (P)
4. PPS to Secretary (P)/PPS to All Members
August 29, 2011
IP Grade Pay CAT case - update
OA No. 381/10 came up before the Hon'ble CAT on 26.8.11 when the case was adjourned to 22.09.2011 as per the request of the proxy applicant's counsel.
August 27, 2011
Incentive Structure For Procurement of RPLI Business w.e.f.01.10.2009
RPLI business (Direct Agents (RPLI), FOs/GDS & other RPLI Sales Force)
(a) 10% of First Year premium towards the RPLI policies procured by them w.e.f.01.10.2009 (b) 10% of total incentive paid to GDS to SDI/ASP- in First Year only.
(c) 2.5% of renewal premium income collected by them in respect of those policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Additional Commission of 1.5% of premium shall be paid to the Group Leaders/ Entrustees for collecting premium towards 1000 or more such RPLI policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Directorate of PLI No. 26-02/2009-LI Dated 18.09.2009
source: AIAIPASP
(a) 10% of First Year premium towards the RPLI policies procured by them w.e.f.01.10.2009 (b) 10% of total incentive paid to GDS to SDI/ASP- in First Year only.
(c) 2.5% of renewal premium income collected by them in respect of those policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Additional Commission of 1.5% of premium shall be paid to the Group Leaders/ Entrustees for collecting premium towards 1000 or more such RPLI policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Directorate of PLI No. 26-02/2009-LI Dated 18.09.2009
source: AIAIPASP
August 25, 2011
calculate your GPF interest
GPF interest calculation tool will calculate the GPF interest taking in to account the monthly deposits made, advance or withdrawal made etc.
Click here for calculation
Click here for calculation
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Minutes of the meeting have been issued by the Postal Directorate vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25.08.2011. A copy of the minutes is reproduced below:-
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Official side Staff side
Member (Personnel) Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary
DDG (P) Shri Dinesh Khare, Preseident
DDG (Establishment) Shri Ajit Kumar, Circle Secretary, Kerala
DDG (Recruitment &Petition) Shri Raj Deo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar
i. The Association was apprised that the proposal to revise the Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200 to Rs. 4600 did not find favour with the Ministry of Finance on the ground that there can not be two levels in the same hierarchy i.e., IPOs & ASPOs, drawing the same grade pay. They were further informed that the proposal could be considered only if IPO & ASPOs cadres are merged into one cadre and the gazetted status of ASPOs is foregone. The Association agreed to submit a revised proposal to be considered by the Department.
ii. A committee will be constituted to look into promotional prospects of the IPOs/ASPOs. Action -SR
iii & iv It was explained to the Association how the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre has not , in any way, adversely affected their overall promotional prospects. The Association was also told of the need to encourage meritorious candidates by bringing them on fast track promotion, which will provide stability to the PS Group B/Time Scale Cadres.
v. Supply of laptops to IPOs/ASPOs will be examined. Action – Tech. Div.
vi. The Association was explained that the post of HSG-I was not a promotional post for IPOs and further HSG-I post is non gazetted whereas the post of ASPOs is gazetted . In the background of the above, the proposal could not be considered.
vii. The matter of revision of rate of remuneration for performing duty as invigilators in the Departmental examinations is under process. Action – DDG (Rectt. & Pett.)
viii. The staff side was explained that the proposal regarding promotion earned through examination not to be considered while granting MACP was not in line with this scheme and therefore could not be considered.
ix. The demand of the staff side to hold periodical meeting at regular intervals was accepted. Action – SR
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
All the CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Members of the Association are requested to kindly go through the minutes and offer their views to the CHQ through Email / letter so that further action could be taken by the CHQ in the larger interest of the Inspector, Posts cadre.
Source: All India Association of IPs/ASPs
MGNREGA Payments Through Post Offices
Rajesh Kumawat | 00:07 |

The Minister of State for Communication and Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot today informed Lok Sabha in written reply to a question that the scheme of payment wages under MGNREGA through post offices is operational in 19 Postal Circles ( 26 states and 5 UTs ) of the country ( except Delhi, J & K and Tamilnadu Postal Circles (Tamilnadu and Puducherry).
SB Accounts
Andhra Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
2,19,53,808 SB accounts and 2,72,42,715 zero-balance accounts have been opened in Post Offices for payment of wages under MGNREGA. Department gets remuneration for live SB account from Ministry of Finance. The rate applicable for the year 2011-12 is Rs. 142.76 per account per year. However, Ministry of Finance is not giving any remuneration for zero-balance accounts.
Source : PIB
August 24, 2011
Suspension orders, charge sheets not personal info: CIC
Suspension orders and charge sheets issued to government officials should be disclosed under the RTI as these are not personal information, the Central Information Commission has held. | |
The transparency panel held that charge sheets and suspension orders are issued as part of public activity and cannot qualify as personal information, hence should be disclosed to RTI applicants. The case relates to an RTI application filed by Jayalaxmi who sought to know the names of Syndicate Bank officials who are on suspension and those against whom charge sheets have been served. The bank rejected the information saying that there is no public interest involved in the application, it is of third party information and further, it would impede the process of investigation and departmental enquiry. During the appeal hearing, the CIC said all relationships usually have an element of trust, but all of them cannot be classified as fiduciary. Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi said an important characteristic for the relationship to qualify as a fiduciary relationship is that the information provider gives the information for using it for the benefit of the one who is providing the information. "The information like names, designation and branch of the employees/officers working in Karnataka state who are under suspension from the services of the bank and further who are issued with charge sheet as on date has not been provided by the officers to Syndicate Bank and hence it cannot be said to held in a fiduciary capacity," Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi said. Gandhi said the Public Information Officer has failed to explain how such disclosure would actually be an impediment to the process of prosecution. view original decision |
SB ORDER NO. 16/2011 : Savings Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank / certificate branches- SB Aptitude Test
Rajesh Kumawat | 08:09 |
SB Order

SB ORDER NO. 16/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 23.08.2011
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi .
Subject:- Grant of Savings Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank / certificate branches -holding of SB Aptitude Test regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office SB Order No.26/89 issued vide letter No. 2- 3/86-SB dated 27.4.1989, SB Order No.43/89 dated 12.9.1989, SB Order No. 26/90 dated 4.05.1990, SB Order No. 17/2004 dated 8.10.2001, SB Order No. 5/2005 issued vide letter no. 113-1/2003- SB(APT) dated 28.3.2005, D.O. letter of even number dated 26.2.2010 from DDG(FS) to all Heads of circles and SB Order No. 10/2011 dated 21.6.2011 on the subject.
2. Based on the inputs received from the circles, it was observed that out of the staff working in the POSB/SC related branches in the post offices, the percentage of staff passed SB Aptitude test is very low and in some circles the test has either been not held from many years or not regularly held. In view of this, the pattern and syllabus of the aptitude test has been reviewed in this office and it has been decided to revise the whole pattern as well as syllabus of this test which is very important from the operational point of view of the POSB/SC. Min. of Finance is also time and again pointing out the high percentage of irregularities being committed by the postal staff which is resulting in financial loss to the Government as well as in some cases to the customers and increase in court cases/public grievances.
3. Revised Syllabus, pattern, eligibility criteria, procedure for setting up of paper/venue and further reporting to this division are attached as enclosure. Test will be held twice in a calendar year i.e in the month of February and August and candidates who have completed one year service on 30th June or 31st December of the year in which the test is conducted shall be eligible to appear.
4. It is requested that necessary action may be taken immediately to circulate the new syllabus as well as eligibility criteria so that next SB Aptitude may be held in February 2012.
5. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
Enclosure:- New Syllabus/Pattern/Eligibility Criteria etc.
Syllabus for Savings Bank Aptitude Test
Paper - I
Time-2 Hours
Total No. of Questions-50
Qualifying Marks:- 50%
Note:- The examination will be held with the aid of books approved by the department. All the questions will be objective type with four options. The candidate has to choose the correct option as per his knowledge and quote the rule from the books approved for the examination to support his/her decision.
(1) Government Savings Bank Act 1873 (amended from time to time)
(2) Government Savings Certificates Act 1959 (amended from time to time)
(3) Public Provident Fund Act 1968 (amended from time to time)
Statutory Rules
(1) Post Office Savings Bank General Rules 1981 (amended from time to time).
(2) Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 (amended from time to time).
(3) Post Office Recurring Deposit Rules 1981 (amended from time to time).
(4) Post Office Time Deposit Rules 1981 (amended from time to time).
(5) Post Office Monthly Income Account Rules 1987(amended from time to time).
(6) Public Provident Fund Scheme Rules 1968 (amended from time to time)
(7) National Savings Certificate (VIII Issue) Rules, 1989 (amended from time to time).
(8) Kisan Vikas Patras Rules, 1986 (amended from time to time).
(1) All procedural rules of POSB Manual Vol-I and II.
(2) All SB Orders issued from 1.1.2007 onwards.
Approved Books
(1). POSB Manual Vol-I or Compilation of POSB Manual Vol-I
(2) POSB Manual Vol-II or Compilation of POSB Manual Vol-II
(3) POSB Manual Vol-III or Compilation of POSB Manual Vol-III or Handbook on Government Small Savings Schemes
Eligibility Criteria:- All Postal Assistants who have completed one year’s service on 30th June or 31st December of the year in which test is conducted shall be eligible to appear. Test will be conducted twice in a calendar year i.e in the month of February and August. Candidates who have completed one year’s service as on 31st December shall be eligible for appearing in the test to be held in February and those who have completed one year’s service as on 30th June shall be eligible for appearing in the test to be held in August. There will be no restriction on number of times a candidate can appear.
Setting up of paper and venue:- Test will be conducted by the circle. Date, time and venue will be decided at circle level and circulated at least 30 days before the scheduled date. Setting up of paper will be done at the level of Postal Training Centre. Chief Postmaster General of the circle shall decide the name of Postal Training Centre from which the Paper will be got set. A blank line is required to be provided after 4 options in each question to mention the Rule in support of the answer. Evaluation of the papers shall also be got done from the same PTC. Result will be declared by the circle. Successful candidates shall be posted in the branches pertaining to POSB/SC in post offices/divisional offices/regional offices and circle office. If surplus candidates qualified, a list of such candidates may be prepared in the preference of marks obtained in the test and they shall be posted in the SB/SC branches as and when required.
Reporting:- All circles will send half yearly report to the FS Division of Directorate in the enclosed format.
Format of Half Yearly Report (to be sent in the month of April and October)
Name of Circle
No. of Fully
eligible for
No. of
eligible for
No. of SB
working in
the circle
No. of SB
working in
the circle
Test was
No. of
No. of