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July 12, 2011

Protest on charter of Demand - letter from CS to GS

Rajesh Kumawat | 22:20 | | Best Blogger Tips
Shri Roop Chand
General Secretary
All india Association of IP and ASPOs
CHQ, New Delhi
NO. AIAIPASP/2010-2011/ Hoshangabad Dtd  05.07.2011
SUB :-  regarding  to revise Charter of demand

Respected Sir ,
            With due most respect kindly refer to the charter of demand, many members of the association are submitting me on telephone that the demand shown in no. (iii) And (IV) is not favorable to many member who looking for the LDCE for PSB. Which are not junior one but most of the seniors also even they are getting grade pay Rs 4800- in II MACP. Hence no such demand should be kept in the charter which arise dissension among the members. They also suggests that the ratio between promotion quota and direct quota (i.e. from exam) should be 50:50(47:3) as well as in all cadre i.e. postman, postal Assistant and JTS Gr.A  .It is also correct that why we are not demanding such which is favorable to all the member.
            It is requested that CWC meeting should be called for immediately to set the target i.e. charter of demand with the conformity to all or with the discussion to CWC members on telephone /email etc. Thus the matter may be kept in abeyance till the majority of members on the matter. It is most urgent otherwise the disagreement shall increase day to day.
Kindly take the matter seriously and necessary action may be taken.    
Early reply highly solicited
  R.P. Jaiswal
Circle Secretary
   All India Association of IP and ASPOs MPCircle
ASP, Sub division  Hoshangabad 461001


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