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July 30, 2011

Clarification regarding giving option for alteration/withdrawal or inclusion of new membership of service associations/unions

Rajesh Kumawat | 20:47 | | Best Blogger Tips

Government of India
 Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.

                          No. 18/03/2011-SR Dated the 28th July, 2011
Heads of all Circles.

Subject: Clarification regarding giving option for alteration/withdrawal or inclusion of new membership of service associations/unions in the month of April each year to be made effective from the month of July of that year.

I am directed to refer to the Department's letter no. 13-1/93-SR dated 25.02.1994 circulating Department of Personnel & Training's OM No. 2/10/80-JCA dated 31.01.1994 regarding procedure for verification of membership of associations for the purpose of recognition under CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993. In accordance with instructions contained in said OM, option, if any, for alteration, withdrawal or inclusion of new members is to be given in the month of April each year to DDO or any other designated authority.

2. The Department, vide letter No. 13/01/2010-SR dated 18.02.2010, modified 'letter of authorization' prescribed by the DOPT specifically in order to comply with the directions of the Hon'ble Court of Madras given in Writ Petitions No. 4704-4707 of 1999 and Contempt Petition No. 950/09. The modified 'letter of authorization' was endorsed with signature of Director (SR & Legal) with an objective to rule out the possibility of using the old forms bearing the signature of the employees, as some of the associations had complained about it.The signature of Director (SR & legal) has no relevance in regard to letters of authorization which may be used for change of option or for seeking new membership in the month of April every year.

3. All the 'letter of authorization' whether bearing Director (SR & Legal)'s signature or not, applied during the month of April may be considered as per the standing instructions and in view of the clarification in the preceding paragraph. 

(Subhash Chander)
Director (Sr & Legal)

Source : SAPOST

July 29, 2011

Review of Cadre Structuring in respect of Inspector, Posts Cadre

Rajesh Kumawat | 21:43 | | | Best Blogger Tips
No. CHQ/IPASP/ROC Dated 25.07.2011

The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Review of Cadre Structuring in respect of Inspector, Posts Cadre

Ref: Postal Directorate Letter No.1/4/2010-SR dated 12.07.2011

Respected Madam,
Your kind attention is invited to our letter of even no. dated 08.07.2011 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject.

The Department has constituted a committee to examine the issue of cadre restructuring of Group "C" employees vide Office Order under reference. THE Committee will formulate the prpposals by 30.08.2011.

In the past, we had attended informal meeting called by Shri A. K. Sharma, the then DDG (Estt.) in January-2011 alongwith JCA leaders. Hence, it is requested that our review proposal submitted on 08.07.2011 may kindly be ordered to be considered by the Committee formed on 12.07.2011 and our association should also be nominated as a member on the staff side.

We hope that our proposal will be considered and formulated by the Committee constituted on 12.07.2011.

Yours sincerely,
--sd--(Roop Chand)
General Secretary

July 28, 2011

Organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays – denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.

Rajesh Kumawat | 19:25 | | | Best Blogger Tips

Government of India
Department of Posts
SR Section
No. 16/56/2011-SR July 8, 2011

All Heads of Circles
Subject: - Organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays – denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.

I am directed to state that the issue of organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays, thus depriving the employees of their legitimate right to avail the break was considered in a meeting taken by Secretary to discuss charter of Demands served with the notice of indefinite strike w.e.f. 05.07.2011 by Postal Joint Council of Action.

2. While in certain circumstances it may be unavoidable strategically beneficial for the Department to hold meetings/melas etc on holidays and Sundays, it may not be done so in a routine manner. Needless to say, the weekly break and holidays etc. have their own significance and it may be kept in view while calling the officials for duty during the break.
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Yours faithfully
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
Telefax: 23096021

Source :SAPOST

CAT case on IP grade pay- Update

Rajesh Kumawat | 19:20 | | | Best Blogger Tips

OA No. 381/10 came up before the Tribunal on 27.7.11 when the proxy  respondent's Counsel sought adjourment on health grounds. The Tribunal adjourned the case to 8.8.11, making it clear that no futher adjourment will be permitted.

Source: IPASP-Kerala

LGO Exam : Increase in the number of chances to appear

Rajesh Kumawat | 09:06 | | Best Blogger Tips

It has been decided by the competent authority to increase the number of chances for OC candidates to appear in the LGO examination to  fill up the posts of PA/SA from  6 to 8.

It has also been decided to increase the chances for SC/ST candidates to appear in the said examination to 10 provided there are vacancies reserved for candidates belonging to SC/ST and in case any SC/ST candidate is appointed on the basis of his/her 9th or 10th chance he/she shall be appointed against the vacancy reserved for SC/ST, as the case may be, irrespective of his/her merit in the examination.

source: SAPOST

Imposing of statutory punishments for non-performance of O T Duty – Reg.

Rajesh Kumawat | 08:52 | | Best Blogger Tips

Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
 Department of Posts
S R Section 
Dak Bhawan, Sansad marg
 New Delhi – 110 001

                                                       No. 8 – 9 / 2011 – SR, Dated 21st July, 2011

All Heads of Postal Circle
All Postmasters General
All Directors / De. Directors of Accounts ( Postal )
All Directors, Postal Training Centers
Postmasters general, Foreign mails, Mumbai
Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad
Chief general manager, PLI, Chanakyapuri PO, New Delhi
Chiief general Manager, BD Dte., Dak Bhawan, new Delhi

              Sub: Imposing of statutory punishments for non-performance of O T Duty – Reg.
I am directed to refer to the Department’s letter No.2 – 4 / 2005 – SR ( I ), dated 16.06.2006 and letter No. 2 – 6 / 2009 – SR, dated 26.10.2009 on the above subject.

2. The Staff Side again took up the matter of imposition of statutory punishments for non-performance of overtime.

3. In this regard attention is drawn to Item No. 4 of the minutes of the meeting circulated vide No.8 – 9 / 2011 – SR, dated 06.07.2011 and as decided , it is reiterated that imposing of statutory punishments for non-performance of overtime may be resorted to in rare and exceptional circumstances. This instruction may be complied with both in letter and spirit.

Yours faithfully, 
( Subash Chander )
Director ( SR & Legal )

Source : SAPOST

HOLIDAY HOMES : Online Registration

Rajesh Kumawat | 08:47 | Best Blogger Tips


Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostel
(Launch Date : 01-August-2011)

This site is getting ready for use. Online registration and other services at this website will be available from 01-August-2011. Through this website, from 1st August 2011 onwards you will be able to register for new applications and see the status of applications registered in previous version.Click here to get the website


July 22, 2011

Visit to the Postal Directorate by the General Secretary

Rajesh Kumawat | 22:47 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

Today, I accompanied by Sh. S. Ravi, AD (RB) & Sh. Ajit Kumar, ASP (PMU) met with Sh.V. K. Tiwary, DDG (Rectt.& Pet.) holding additional charge of DDG (Estt.) in his chamber on the advice of the Secretary (Posts). Sh. Raj Kumar, Director (Estt. & DE) was also present during the course of the meeting.
All issues included in our charter of demands were discussed in detail. The DDG (Rectt. & Pet.) heard our views positively and assured us that files on all issues in the charter of demands are under process by the Department.We stressed for upgradation of GP of IP from Rs.4200/- to Rs. 4600/- and as well as review of cadre restructuring in respect of Inspector, Posts cadre. 
SR Division of the Postal Directorate has called for action taken report on our charter of demands from all concerned Divisions on 18.07.2011. Formal meeting to discuss our charter of demands is likely to be conducted by the Department shortly.
General Secretary                                                                              

IP Surplus Policy DROPPED

Rajesh Kumawat | 21:55 | | Best Blogger Tips

Copy of Postal Directorate O.M. no. A-34020/01/2007-DE dated 21.07.2011 is reproduced below:-

                                                OFFICE MEMORANDUM

Sub: Inspector of Posts Examination - allotment of Surplus Qualified Candidates

The Competent Authority has decided that the Surplus Qualified Inspectors scheme which was introduced vide this office letter of even number dated 13.04.2007 and dated 20.04.2007 is hereby dropped.

2.    The above order is effective from the Inspector of Posts Examination 2011 which will be held on 3rd and 4th September 2011.

(L.Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)
Source : Postal Inspectors CHQ Blog

Grant of Grade Pay of Rs.1900, Rs.2000 w.e.f 1.1.2006 to those Group D (MTS) who were given TBOP/BCR before 1.1.2006

Rajesh Kumawat | 09:08 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

Details of the orders issued by Department of Posts on the subject is available on Sahuliyat.  download from here.

Six Direct Recruited IP alloted to MP Circle

Rajesh Kumawat | 09:04 | | | Best Blogger Tips

M.P. Circle had the following vacancies of IP Cadre (Direct Recruit) for the Combined Graduate Level Examination 2010 conducted by SSC.


On the basis of result of Combined Graduate Level Examination 2010, SSC has nominated 136 candidates for appointment to IP cadre in different Circles. Department of Posts has received dossiers of 124  candidates and allotted 124 candidates to different Circles. MP Circle has got allotment of the following 6 IP candidates.

  1. Ravi Prakash
  2. Pramod Kumar
  3. Kamal Joshi
  4. Saurabh Kumar
  5. Ebai A Esther Charakho
  6. Manoj Kumar Meena
AIAIASP, M.P. Circle Branch congratulates all successful candidates and welcomes those who have been allotted to MP Circle.

Source : Sahuliyar

July 21, 2011

Examinations dates announced by Directorate.

Rajesh Kumawat | 21:39 | | Best Blogger Tips

Directorate has announced the dates of following departmental examinations on 14/07/2011.

1) LGO ...04/09/2011.

2) Inspector Posts ... 03/09/2011 and 04/09/2011.

IP Exam for the year scheduled on 03 / 04.09.11 vide Dte Lr No. A-34012 / 04 / 2011-DE Dt. 14.07.11.

Schedule :
01. Receipt of Applications in plain paper from eligible candidates – ongoing process.
02. Receipt of Application form Kits by Nodal Officer from CMS – already available.
03. Receipt of Application form Kits by DO/RO/CO/Controlling Unit from Nodal Officer to 
      the eligible candidates- 15.07.11
04. Last date for receipt of Application from at DO / RO / CO / Controlling Unit from the Candidates. - 29.07.11
05. Receipt of duly filled Application forms by Nodal Officer - 08.08.11
06. Forwarding Applications by Nodal Officer to CMC - 12.08.11
07. Issue of Hall Permits by MC to eligible candidates - 23.08.11
Date of Exam - 03 / 04.09.11

July 20, 2011


Rajesh Kumawat | 21:13 | | | Best Blogger Tips

No. D.G. Posts No. 28.2/2010-D dated 19.7.2011

      It has been decided to revise upwards the Outstation Allowance payable to the RMS Staff for a period of absence on duty from their headquarters exceeding six hours at the following rates:

i)          Multi task Staff (Gr. D)  Rs. 27.50
ii)         Mail Guard                   Rs.27.50
iii)        Head Mail Guard          Rs.29.70
iv)        Sorting Assistants        Rs.29.70
v)         LSG SA                        Rs.31.50


3.         The revised Outstation allowance rates would be applicable with restrospective effect from 01.09.2008.

letter to CPMG on PLI award

Rajesh Kumawat | 20:42 | | | Best Blogger Tips

Shri S.Gauriar
The Chief Postmaster General
M.P. Circle, Bhopal

No. AIAIPASP/2010-2011/Hoshangabad Dtd 17.07.2011

Subject: -  Request for including the name of all IPs/ASPos who procured more than  02crore effective PLI business in Awards Ceremony for awarding Silver Certificates and Cash Awards to the Staff for procuring highest PLI business during the Year 2010-11.

Respected Sir,
                             With due most respect it has come to my notice that the award ceremony for awarding Silver certificates and cash awards to the staff for procuring highest PLI business during the year 2010-2011 scheduled to be  held at Bhopal on Wednesday 20-07-2011 vide your letter No. LIP/2-19/Awards/2010-11 Dated 15th July 2011. I would like to bring your kind attention on the list of awardees prepared for this purpose. The following facts need to be considered before award ceremony.
1.      Awards are distributed in the two regions (i.e. HQ and Indore) Gwalior Region needs to be included.
2.      In this list only three IPs/ASPs are nominated for awards from HQ region / Indore in this context please refer the Director of Postal Life Insurance New Delhi  order No35-15/78-LI(Vol V) dated 15-12-2006. In which it is quite clear that the all IP/ASPs who procured more than 02 crore PLI Business they can awarded with cash prize of Rs 2000/- as well as silver certificate by Circle Head. (copy enclosed for ready reference Annexure I )
3.      Association is unable to understand that what the circumstances are compelling not to follow the assurance given by our Hon’ble shri Brijesh Kumar Director postal Services HQ region Bhopal vide his DO letter no LIP/2-18/Tgt/2010-2011 Dated 2-12-2010 addressed to each sub divisional head of the circle. ( copy enclosed for ready reference Annexure II )
4.      The Scheduled   Awards Ceremony is violating the DG’s instruction and DPS Bhopal Assurance seems to be a conspiracy against the development of the Department and IPs/ASPos by discouraging them to retain the monopoly of D.Os .In this Context I would also like to bring your kind notice that the Cash award for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 is not distributed until today for IPs/ASPs but  D.Os were  awarded by cash prize on the same day on 15.10.10.
5.      The scheduled Awards Ceremony is hurted to those IPs/ASPs who procured more than 02crore effective PLI business by taking extra efforts with performing all duties and responsibilities assigned to them. It is more surprising IPs/ASPs who have procured more than 3.174 crore business not find the place in the awardees for which how they can held responsible.
6.      If all IP/ASPs who procured more than  02crore effective PLI business are included in the list of awardees the cost of the ceremony does not increase as un affordable to the circle but this inclusion can give the multiple increase in the business and awards boost the energy amongst the all IPs/ASPs for better performance in future.
It is humble requested that in accordance with DG’s instruction and DPS Bhopal assurance kindly include the names of all IPs/ASPs who procured more than  02 crore effective PLI business before scheduled ceremony.  
Kindly take the matter seriously and necessary action may be taken in this regards
Thanking You
Encls :- 02 as above

                                                                                                            Yours Sincerely 

                                                                                            (R.P. Jaiswal)
          Circle Secretary
     AIAIPASP,  MPCircle ,
ASP ,Sub dn Hoshangabad                                 461001

Copy to:- shri D.K. Singhal , President ,AIAIPASP,ASP (HQ) Ratlam Dn. Ratlam    

Repatriation of Maj. Shipra Sharma IPoS from APS

Rajesh Kumawat | 08:12 | | Best Blogger Tips
Smt. Shipra Sharma (IPoS-2002) is posted as ADG (MO), Postal Dte, Dak Bhawan against a vacant post on repatriation from APS.

source : Sahuliyat

July 16, 2011

रिटर्न भरने से छूट, मुश्किल है जनाब exemption from filing IT returns

Rajesh Kumawat | 07:29 | | | Best Blogger Tips
सालाना पांच लाख रुपये तक की सालाना आमदनी वालों को रिटर्न भरने से छुटकारे की बात कागज पर बेशक अच्छी लगती है लेकिन गौर से देखें तो शायद ही कोई इन शर्तों को पूरा कर पाए। टैक्स रिटर्न पर छूट के बारे में पूरी जानकारी  : 

सीबीडीटी ने ऐलान किया कि जिन सैलरीड लोगों की सालाना इनकम पांच लाख रुपये तक है, उन्हें रिटर्न भरने की जरूरत नहीं है। इससे करोड़ों लोगों के चेहरे पर मुस्कान आ गई, लेकिन बारीकी से देखें तो ऐसा नहीं लगता कि कोई भी इसका फायदा उठा पाएगा। दरअसल, रिटर्न में इस तरह की शर्तें रखना सीबीडीटी की एक चाल नजर आती है, जिसका असलियत में फायदा शायद ही कोई ले पाए। 

क्या हैं नया नियम 
24 जून को जारी नोटिफिकेशन में बताया गया है कि आप फाइनैंशल ईयर 2010-11 में रिटर्न भरने से बच सकते हैं, अगर इन शर्तों को पूरा करते हैं : 
कटौती के बाद साल की कुल इनकम पांच लाख रुपये या उससे कम हो। 
इनकम में सिर्फ सैलरी और बैंक सेविंग से मिलनेवाले ब्याज को ही शामिल किया जाएगा। 
सैलरी सिर्फ एक एम्प्लॉयर से मिली हो। 
बैंक में जमा बचत से मिलनेवाला सालाना ब्याज 10 हजार रुपये से कम हो। 
बैंक में बचत खाते के ब्याज पर टैक्स चुका दिया गया हो और इसका ब्यौरा फॉर्म 16 में हो। 

किसे नहीं मिलेगा फायदा 
यह ऐलान ऐसे वक्त पर हुआ है, जब फॉर्म 16 तैयार हो चुके हैं और करदाताओं को दिए भी जा चुके हैं। सवाल है कि क्या आखिरी पलों में फॉर्म 16 में बदलाव मुमकिन होगा? क्या दूसरी शर्त भी तर्कसंगत है, जिसके मुताबिक इनकम सिर्फ सैलरी और सेविंग अकाउंट पर मिलनेवाले ब्याज से होनी चाहिए? सालाना 3-4 लाख रुपये कमाने वाले ऐसे कितने लोग होंगे, जो एफडी, म्यूचुअल फंड, स्टॉक ट्रेडिंग, गोल्ड और प्रॉपर्टी से कमाई नहीं करते? अगर आप टैक्स बचाने के लिए एफडी या एनएससी में निवेश करते हैं या आपको ईएलएसएस से डिविडेंड मिलता है तो आप रिटर्न से छूट के हकदार नहीं होंगे। अगर आपने एक महीने के लिए भी अपना मकान किराए पर दिया है तो भी रिटर्न फाइल करना होगा। जिसने भी सेक्शन 80 सीसीएफ में छूट के लिए इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर बॉन्ड में निवेश कर रखा है, उसे भी यह फायदा नहीं मिलेगा। रिटर्न में छूट सिर्फ उनके लिए है, जिन्होंने टैक्स बचाऊ इनवेस्टमेंट नहीं किया है और अपने सारे पैसे बैंक में बचत खाते में डाले हुए हैं। 
चलिए, मान लेते हैं कि कोई ऐसा शख्स है, जिसने कोई इनवेस्टमेंट नहीं किया है, इसलिए सैलरी और बैंक अकाउंट पर मिलनेवाले ब्याज के अलावा उसकी कोई और इनकम नहीं है। फिर भी वह छूट की शर्तों को शायद पूरा न कर पाए। नोटिफिकेशन के मुताबिक, ब्याज पर टैक्स भरा जा चुका हो और इनकम व टैक्स की जानकारी एम्प्लॉयर द्वारा फॉर्म 16 में दी गई हो। बैंक अकाउंट पर ब्याज छमाही आधार पर जमा किया जाता है। 
अक्टूबर से मार्च के बीच का ब्याज 31 मार्च के बाद जमा होता है। इस इनकम पर निकलने वाले टैक्स का सही कैलकुलेशन करने और उसे जमा करने के लिए आपको फाइनैंशल एक्सपर्ट बनना होगा। साथ ही ये डिटेल्स एम्प्लॉयर को वक्त पर देने होंगे, जिससे इन्हें फॉर्म 16 में दिखाया जा सके। 

शर्तें पूरी करना मुश्किल 
आपने फाइनैंशल ईयर में नौकरी बदली है तो भी आपको रिटर्न भरने से छूट नहीं मिल पाएगी। आईटी, सॉफ्टवेयर जैसे सेक्टरों में लोग काफी जल्दी-जल्दी नौकरी बदलते रहते हैं, इसलिए वहां बहुत कम लोग इस छूट को पाने के हकदार होंगे। भले ही आपका एम्प्लॉयर सारे ब्यौरे फॉर्म 16 में दे दें, लेकिन कुछ और भी छूट होंगी, जिनका ब्यौरा फॉर्म 16 में नहीं होगा। उदाहरण के लिए, किसी चैरिटी को दिए गए दान का ब्यौरा फॉर्म 16 में नहीं होता। यह सिर्फ करदाता पर निर्भर करता है कि वह इस दान पर छूट हासिल करे और इसके लिए उसे टैक्स रिटर्न भरना ही होगा। इसी तरह, अगर आप लॉस को फारवर्ड करना चाहते हैं या आपको रिफंड लेना है तो भी आपको रिटर्न भरना ही होगा। 

अगर आप इन तमाम शर्तों को पूरा कर लेते हैं तो यह काबिलेतारीफ होगा, लेकिन ध्यान रहे कि अगर आप अपना रिटर्न फाइल नहीं करते हैं, तो आप अपने रिटर्न में बदलाव के हक से भी वंचित होंगे। सिर्फ वे करदाता ही रिवाइज्ड रिटर्न भर पाएंगे, जिन्होंने तय तारीख तक अपना रिटर्न भरा है। 

पांच लाख या उससे कम आमदनी के बावजूद भरना होगा रिटर्न अगर 
सैलरी और सेविंग अकाउंट पर मिलनेवाले ब्याज के अलावा और कहीं से भी आमदनी होती है। 
टैक्स बचाने के लिए एफडी या एनएससी में निवेश करते हैं या ईएलएसएस से डिविडेंड मिलता है। 
सेक्शन 80 सीसीएफ में छूट के लिए इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर बॉन्ड में निवेश कर रखा है। 
एक महीने के लिए भी अपना मकान किराए पर दिया है। 
फाइनैंशल ईयर के दौरान नौकरी बदली है। 
नुकसान को कैरी फॉरवर्ड करना चाहते हैं या रिफंड क्लेम करना है। 

ई-फाइलिंग से जुड़े मिथ और सचाई 
ई-फाइलिंग के जरिए रिटर्न जमा करना बेहद आसान है और आप घर बैठे सिर्फ कुछ क्लिक में रिटर्न फाइल कर सकते हैं, लेकिन इसे लेकर कुछ दिक्कतें आती हैं। क्या आप भी रिटर्न के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक फाइलिंग का सच नहीं जानते? क्या ई-फाइलिंग के बारे में आपके मन में भी कुछ मिथ हैं। अगर हां तो जानिए यहां कुछ मिथ और उससे जुड़ी सचाई : 

1. मिथ : इनकम टैक्स रिटर्न ऑनलाइन जमा करने के लिए डिजिटल सिग्नेचर चाहिए। 
सचाई : अगर आप अपना रिटर्न पूरा ऑनलाइन फाइल करेंगे तो ही आपको डिजिटल सिग्नेचर चाहिए। बिना डिजिटल सिग्नेचर के भी आप ऑनलाइन रिटर्न फाइल कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए ऑनलाइन रिटर्न भरने के बाद उसका प्रिंटआउट लेकर उस पर दस्तखत करके इनकम टैक्स के बेंगलुरु ऑफिस पोस्ट से भेजना होता है।

2. मिथ : ई-फाइलिंग में स्क्रूटिनी के ज्यादा चांस होते हैं। 
सचाई : हर साल इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट स्क्रूटिनी किए गए लोगों की लिस्ट निकालता है। चाहे आप रिटर्न ऑनलाइन फाइल करें या पेपर के जरिए करें, उस का इस लिस्ट पर कोई असर नहीं पड़ेगा। 

3. मिथ : ई-फाइलिंग के पैसे कटते हैं, जबकि पेपर से फिजिकली रिटर्न जमा करने के कोई पैसे नहीं लगते। 
सचाई : इनकम टैक्स विभाग की साइट से फ्री में ई-फाइलिंग की जा सकती है। कुछ प्राइवेट पोर्टल भी फ्री फाइलिंग ऑफर करते हैं। ई-फाइलिंग एनवायरनमेंट फ्रेंडली भी है। 

4. मिथ : रिटर्न ऑनलाइन जमा करने के बाद रिवाइज नहीं किया जा सकता है। 
सचाई : ऑनलाइन जमा किया गया रिटर्न भी बाकी की तरह रिवाइज किया जा सकता है। सारे ई-फाइलिंग पोर्टल रिवाइज्ड टैक्स रिटर्न फाइल करने की छूट देते हैं। 

5. मिथ : ई-फाइलिंग सेफ नहीं है और यहां से पर्सनल जानकारियां लीक हो सकती हैं। 
सचाई : ई-फाइलिंग पूरी तरह सेफ है। जो भी जानकारियां ई-फाइलिंग के दौरान दी जाती हैं, उन्हें इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट को भेज दिया जाता है। यह पूरी तरह गोपनीय होता है। 

transfer/promotions/postings in the cadre of PS Group B

Rajesh Kumawat | 06:47 | | | Best Blogger Tips

             PMG Indore has ordered the following transfer/adhoc promotions/postings in the cadre of PS Group B in the Pay Band of 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- 

Present Posting
Promoted to
Shri N.L.Yadav
Postmaster Lashkar H.O. (ASP Cadre)
SPOs Guna
Shri G.Narayan
Manager , MMS Bhopal (ASP Cadre)
SPOs Ratlam

              Shri Devilal SPOs Guna is transferred and posted as  SPOs Chambal  Division Morena against vacant post.

            Association congratulates the officers and wish them all the very best in their new venture.

July 15, 2011

Holding of IP Examination 2011 on 3rd & 4th Septemeber 2011

Rajesh Kumawat | 08:02 | Best Blogger Tips
Directorate Letter No.A-34012/04/2011-DE dated 14.07.2011

Source : AIAIA

Original proof of Death produced along with SB/SC claim application may be returned to the claimant

Rajesh Kumawat | 07:58 | | | Best Blogger Tips
While circulating the new procedure for payment of amount of Savings Bank/Certificates of deceased Depositors/Holders vide SB order no 25/2010 dated 24-12-2010, It was made mandatory that only original copy of the proof Death  is to be accepted as valid proof of Death.

Now vide SB order no 12/2011 dated 12-07-2011 it has been decided that claimants shall produce original proof of death alongwith photocopies before in-charge of the post office where the claim  is to be handed over and in-charge of that post office irrespective of the status of the post office will record a remark on that photocopy of the proof of death as "Compared with original and found correct" under his/her dated signatures. Then original proof of death may be returned to the claimant.

Promotion/posting of AAOs to the cadre of AO

Rajesh Kumawat | 07:24 | | Best Blogger Tips
                 Following AAOs of Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Service Group 'B' (belonging to MP Circle) have been promoted to the cadre of AO in the pay band of Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400 and posted to the place mentioned against there name vide DOP (PA Wing) OM No. 2-24/2010-PACE/1578 to 1681 dated 08-07-2011-
1.     Shri A.K. Pandey                          DOT HQ, NEW DELHI
2.     Shri S.K. Srivastava                      PAO DELHI
3.     Shri N.K. Gupta                           PAO JAIPUR
4.     Shri J.B. Singh                              CCA ORISSA

               Our Association congratulates the officers and wish them all the very best in their new venture.

July 13, 2011


Rajesh Kumawat | 22:30 | | Best Blogger Tips

D.G. Posts No. 25-20/2008-PE.I dated 12th July, 2011.
Please refer to this Directorate's letter of even number dated 04.05.2011 vide which the post of Sorting Postman has been re-designated as Postman and both Postman and Sorting Postman have been given a common generic designation Postman.
2. During the meetings of the Staff Federations with the Secretary (Posts), the Federations have raised following issues in connection with the implementation of the ibid order in the fields:
(i) Circles are either abolishing or redeploying the posts of Sorting Postman. Such posts may be restored.
(ii) All the Postman are being put on the job of Beat Sorting at a time.
3. This is wrong interpretation and implementation of the said order of the Directorate. Nowhere in the order is it mentioned that posts of Sorting Postman are either to be abolished or redeployed and all the Postmen are to be put on the Beat Sorting work at a time. In fact, the order is very lucid that post of Sorting Postman is re-designated as Postman. Therefore, such abolished or redeployed posts of Sorting Postman may be restored immediately. The designation of the existing Sorting Postman may not be changed.
4. Further, in the third para of the aforesaid order, it is indicated that concerned Divisional Head or Sr. Postmaster has to work out the exact requirement of Postmen required for Beat Sorting on the basis of the total number un-registered mail received for delivery as per the existing norms. Hence, concerned authorities in the Division to decide the number of Postmen to be put on the Beat Sorting job on the basis of existing norms. Thus, all the postmen are not to be put on the Beat Sorting work at a time. Rather, each one of them should be assigned the said job on turn-by-turn basis while observing the existing norms.
5. Further, the number of postmen deployed for Beat Sorting should be to ensure that Beat Sorting, is completed one hour before the postmen leave for delivery so that necessary documentations and procedural requirement could be completed, which are necessary for carrying out the delivery effectively.
6. It, is therefore, requested to please look into the issue personally and ensure correct and effective implementation of the Directorate's order dated 04.05.2011.
7. It may please be accorded Top Priority.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

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