Latest Updates from CHQ
April 30, 2012
April 29, 2012
Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme - 1980 - Tables of Benefits
Rajesh Kumawat | 19:36 |

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme - 1980 - Tables of Benefits for the savings funds for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012
April 24, 2012
April 23, 2012
April 20, 2012

2. CLICK HERE to Download MIS->SB->RD auto credit - Maturity amount calculation
April 17, 2012
PS Group 'B' Examination Schedule declared by Directorate.
PS Group 'B' Examination Schedule declared by Directorate.
Postal Directorate vide their memo No.
A-34013/3/2012-DE Dt. 11.04.12 & 10.04.12 called willingness from
eligible officials for PS Group ‘B’ Exam scheduled to be held on
1. Receipt of Application in plain paper - 19.04.2012.
2. Receipt of kits by Nodal Officer from CMC - 23.04.2012.
3. Receipt of kits by CO / RO / DO to eligible candidates - 26.04.2012.
4. Last date of receipt of kits at CO / RO / DO - 07.05.2012.
5. Receipt of filled kits by Nodal Officer from DO / RO / CO - 15.05.2012.
6. Dispatch by Nodal Officer to CMC - 18.05.2012.
7. Date of Examination - 03.06.2012 (Sunday).
April 16, 2012
April 15, 2012
No. 17-17/2010-GDS
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Dehil – 110 001
Dated: 13 April, 2012
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Managers (Finance)
Director of Accounts (Postal)
A reference is invited to the Directorate letters of even
number dated 01 Aug 2011 & 09 mar 2012 on the subject cited above.
Last line of Para 3 of this Directorate letter dated 09 Mar
2012 may be substituted as under :- "it is reiterated that the existing
criteria of over and above 50 points for adjudging hard and deserving
cases stands''
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS)
Revision of Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff.
File No. 10-7/2001-P.E.II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan Sansad Marg New Delhi – 110001
Dated the 24-11-2010
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Managers (Finance)
Director of Accounts Postal
Subject: - Revision of Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff.
I am directed to refer to Directorates letter of even number dated 4-9-2002 and 28.1.2003 on the above subject.
The Department has received a number of references from the staff
Associations requesting for upward revision of fixed Monetary
compensation (FMC) admissible to Postmen staff. A Committee of Senior
Officers was constituted for looking into the issue and the report of
the Committee has been examined carefully in consultation with
integrated Finance wing and the Competent Authority has ordered
enhancement of the Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) admissible to
Postmen staff. The details are as under:
1.When One Postman performs duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties from Rs.29 per day revised to Rs.50 per day
2.When two Postmen perform duty of an absentee Postman by sharing the beat from Rs.14 per day revised to Rs.24 per day
3. The competent Authority has also ordered fixation/revision of Holiday Monetary Compensation payable to Postmen Staff and other Departmental staff brought on duty on 2nd consecutive Holiday if three consecutive holidays occur as shown under:
Remuneration to
1.for Supervisor Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours
2.for Postal Assistant Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours
3.for Postmen/Sorting Postmen Rs.85 per holiday
4.for Multi tasking staff Rs.60 per holiday for 4 hours
4. All other conditions for payment of Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) issued vide OM No.10-23/87-PE.I dt. 21.12.93 and delivery of Unregistered letters on holidays issued under 9-25/92-CI dt. 10.9.92 will remain unchanged.
5. The Expenditure on account of revision has to be met from the allocated funds of the units under the prescribed Head of account.
6. These orders will take effect from the date of issue.
7. This issues in concurrence with the Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary number 286/FA/10/CS dated 24.11.2010.
(K. Rameswara Rao)
Asst. Director General (Estt)
Courtesy :
April 14, 2012
April 13, 2012
Payment to Government servants other than salary etc. through e- Payment from 1st April 2012
Rajesh Kumawat | 07:20 |

F. No.1(1)/2011/TA/292
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Dated 31st March, 2012
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Payment to Government servants other than salary etc. through e- Payment from 1st April 2012
The Central Government Account
(Receipts and Payments) Rules,1983 have been amended, inter alia, to
provide for issue of Payment advices to the bank for direct credit by
electronic transfer to the specified bank account of the payee. As per
the amendments, the Government servants are, permitted to receive their
salary by direct credit to their bank accounts through payment advices,
at their option Further, the amendment also provides that all payments
to government servants other than salaries exceeding the limits as
specified from time to time, shall be through payment advices.
2. In accordance to the above,
with effect from 1st April 2012, all Ministries/Departments of the
Government of India are directed to make all payments to government
servants, other than salary, above Rs.25,000. by issue of payment
advices, including electronically signed payment advices.
3. Further in accordance to the
amended rules, with effect from 1st April 2012, all
Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are directed to make
all payments towards settlement of retirement /terminal benefits such as
gratuity, commuted value of pension, encashment of leave salary,CGEGIS,
withdrawals from General Provident Fund, etc. by issue of payment
advices, including electronically signed payment advices.
4. All Ministries! Departments
and Heads of Accounting Organisations are requested to ensure the
compliance of above instructions by Pay & Accounts Offices/ Accounts
offices and other payment units under their control.
5. Separate orders have been
issued in respect of payments to private parties such as Suppliers,
contractors, grantee, loanee institutions etc,.
(Soma Roy Burman)
Joint Controller General of Accounts
April 11, 2012
Rajesh Kumawat | 16:03 |

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Dehil – 110 001
No.19-10/2004-GDS (Part) Dated:10 April, 2012
Chief Postmaster General
Kerala Circle
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 033
This has a reference to your office letter No.CO/LC/21/OA/12 dated 27th
Mar 2012 received only on 29.03.2012seeking advice if the various
categories of the GDS Posts as prescribed in Rule 3 (d) of GDS (Conduct
& Engagement) Rules, 2011 could be classified based on the skills or
hierarchy or TRCA slabs within these categories.
2. The issue has been examined in this
Directorate and I am directed to clarify the position as under;-
(a) Rule
3 (d) the Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and
Engagement) Rules, 2011 currently recognizes only The five categories of
Gramin Dak Sevaks i.e. GDS BPM, GDS MD, GDS MC, GDS Mail Packer and GDS
Stamp Vendor.
(b) With
the issue and implementation of orders relating to downgrading the
EDSO's to EDBO's the category of GDS SPM is not in vogue. For the
purposes of TRCA, Gramin Dak Sevaks are closed as
three categories i.e. GDS BPM, GDSMD/SV & GDS MC/Packer, Their TRCA
has been fixed based on pre-revised scales of pay of the corresponding
categories of regular Government employees on pro-rata bases. Their TRCA
is further based on workload assessed as per laid down norms and slabs.
(c) There
is no concept of higher or lower post or skilled within a category and
/or amongst various approved categories as recognized from time to time.
For the purpose of direct recruitment to MTS Group C post, their
seniority is reckoned with reference to date of entry in any
GDS post based on seniority in the concerned division as a whole. There
is no categorization of various GDS posts into 'White Collar' or 'Blue
Collar' and such a classification is not also defined anywhere.
(d) The
'Recruiting Authority' mentioned in Rule 4 and further defined in the
Scheduled annexed to the Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks(Conduct
and Engagement) Rules, 2011 is based on working arrangement and for
administrative convenience only. As the Gramin Dak Sevaks are entitled
to protection under Article 311 (2) of the Constitution as held by Apex
Court, the concerned authority will exercise his disciplinary jurisdiction as per the categories of GDS, for which one is designated as recruiting authority.
(e) The
existing provisions governing Limited Transfer Facility do not
prescribe any restriction for allowing transfer form one category to
another and amongst the various categories of Posts irrespective of TRCA
slabs prescribed for these categories and even from one wing to another
i.e., RMS to Postal or vice versa. The requirement is fulfilled of required qualification and other conditions for limited transfer facility.
(f) While
circulating the Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and
Employment) Rules. 2001 vide DG letter No. 22-1/2000-ED & Trg dated
24.04.2001, it was clearly provided in Para 4(ix) of letter dated
24.04.2001 that "executive instructions issued and published below the
respective rules as also those brought out in other sections such as
method of recruitment, etc of Swamy's Compilation of Service Rules for
the Postal ED Staff shall also stand revised/
amended mutandis in keeping with the amended/revised rules. Thus, the
executive instructions providing for metnod of recruitment issued prior
to circulation of the 2001 rules was provided by amending the Note II
(iv) of Rule 3 of Rules and in accordance with the amended provision,
limited Transfer Facility was provided under this Directorate letter No.
19-10/2004- GDS dated 17.07.2006 subject to terms and conditions
mentioned therein.
(g) Hon'ble
Supreme Court in the case of UOI Others vs. Kameshwar Prasad 1998 SCC
(L&S) page 447 wherein the system and object of engaging EDA's and
their status was considered and adjudicated upon, Held that P&T
Extra Department Agent (C&S)Rules, 1964 are a complete code
governing service, conduct and disciplinary proceedings against EDA's
P&T EDA's Rules, 1964 were repealed and a fresh set of rules
replacing the earlier rules was issued under GDS (Conduct and
Employment) Rules, 2001 & thereafter 2001 rules have also been
replaced by GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules, 2001 & thereafter
2001 rules have also been replaced by GDS (Conduct and Engagement)
Rules, 2011.
(h) So
far protection of TRCA is concerned, this Directorate letter No.
14-16/2001-PAP(Pt.) dated 11.10.2004 issued in supersession to all
previous provisions provided for protection of TRCA on reduction of
workload and redeployment of staff on abolition of post and not in cases
where redeployment was made on request. These provisions were not
applicable under transfers which have occurred under Limited Transfer
Facility extended to GDS under this Directorate letter No.
19-10/2004-GDS dated 17.07.2006. Para 3 (iii) of this Directorate letter
dated 17.07.2006 prescribed that TRCA of the new post shall be fixed
after assessment of actual workload of the post measured with respect to
the cycle beat in respect of GDS MD/MC/Packer/Mail Messenger in this
Directorate letter No. 14-11/97-PAP dated 1.10.1987. Based on this
analogy, the incumbents of GDS BPM post in terms of points. This
Directorate vide letter No. 19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 21.07.2010
prescribed further that on transfer to a new post, the GDS cannot have
any claim for protection of their TRCA drawn in the old post and his/her
TRCA will be fixed at the minimum of the TRCA slab of the transferred
post depending upon the workload of the said post.
(i) The
power to allow transfer under the Limited Transfer Facility is vested
only with the Head of the Circle and not with any other lower
functionary. The position on this has recently been clarified under
No.19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 19.03.2012.
In view of the foregoing, immediate action may please be taken to get
rectified the stand in conformity with the above. In order to avoid
controversies and different stands before the Court of Law in future,
prior consultation/approval of the Head of the Circle in each court case
is prescribed to the mandatorily required before taking a stand before
the Court of Law.
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General
Copy to;-
Heads of Postal Circles except Kerala Circle- for information &
disseminating the contenets to the notice of all concerned for strict
April 10, 2012
Central Civil Services (Leave) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2012
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 4th April, 2012.
G.S.R.....- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to
article 309 read with clause (5) of article 148 of the Consititution and
after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in
relation to persons serving in the Indian Auditor and Accounts
Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to
amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2012.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rules 43-AA, the existing "Note" shall be numbered as "Note I" and after Note I as so renumbered, the following note shall be inserted, namely :-
Note 2:- "Child" for the purpose of this rule will include a child taken as ward by the Government servant, under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 or the personal law applicable to that Government servant, provided such a ward lives with the Government servant and is treated as a member of the family and provided such Government servant has, through a special will, conferred upon that ward the same status as that of a natural born child".
3. In the said rules, in rule 43-B, the following note shall be inserted, namely:
'Note :- “Child” for the purpose of this rule will include a child taken as ward by the Government servant, under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 or the personal Law applicable to that Government servant, provided such a ward lives with the Government servant and is treated as a member of the family and provided such Government servant has, through a special will, conferred upon that ward the same status as that of a natural born child".
[F.No 13026/5/2011-Estt.(L)]
(Mamta Kundra)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
A new GDS union formed under NFPE
Split in AIPED Employees Union - A new GDS union formed under NFPE
During the 7th All India Conference of All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union held at Mozri in Amravati District of Maharashtra Circle, from 6th to 8th
April, 2012, one group led by AP,West Bengal and Kerala circle unions
break away from SSMahadevaiah led AIPED Employees union and the break
away group formed a new GDS union "AIPEU GDS (NFPE)". The following office bearers are elected to the newly formed AIPEU GDS (NFPE).
All-India Chairman: Gopal pijay Sur - West Bengal.
General Secretary: P. Panduranga Rao - Gudur Dn of Andhra Pradesh.
Financial Secretary: Murugan - Kerala.
General Secretary: P. Panduranga Rao - Gudur Dn of Andhra Pradesh.
Financial Secretary: Murugan - Kerala.
April 7, 2012
April 5, 2012
April 4, 2012
Result of IP Examination-2011 declared today
result of departmental IP examination has been declared by the
Department. Following are the successful candidates from MADHYAPRADESH.
Association congratulates them and extends warm welcome to the Cadre and